
Letting Someone Down

For those of you who know me, which is probably anyone reading this since I would otherwise be confused as to why you would check out this "awe-inspiring" word play (insert emoticon of blustering sarcasm... you know the face), I have always swayed on the idea of packing my bags and hitting the open water as a scuba diving instructor living the life of ease.

It sounds nice and I could do it if I was truly compelled, but recently I have had some time (actually a lot of time as I've been successfully living a hobo's life) to consider the alternative. Should I do that or should I embark on a life of responsibility and accountability in my hometown of Cleveland, OH?

Boooo midwest city with poor economy and lousy weather.

Hooray Scuba!!

Yes, I could scuba and should scuba, but at the same time... family and friends and attempting to make the city and people around you better has to have some reward that might out-weigh 'living the dream' on some live-a-board ship? Right?

Either decision I make someone seems disappointed. Maybe I should get together with some folks and play a game of RISK to determine the answer?

"Shut your mouth when you're talking to me."

1 comment:

Stanley said...

RISK solves everything, Feebs. And! You can use your mad scuba skillz to invade South America from Africa, which will piss LC off like no other.

Mr. Feeble

Mr. Feeble