
Funniest Guy He Knows

Laughter is the best medicine, right? I've always enjoyed a hearty laugh and consider myself one with a fairly good sense of humor. Sometimes (or perhaps a bit more than sometimes) my jokes can touch on offensive or tasteless, but I normally try and know my audience before I throw around any inappropriateness. However, I have a friend who doesn't necessarily know this characteristic.

If one ever lived by the motto "You only tell a joke to amuse yourself and if anyone else laughs it's just an added bonus", it would be this guy. Now granted, he is an amusing fellow who knows how to deliver a joke, but it is his relentless nature that truly sets him apart. No situation is unworthy of a joke and no subject is taboo. At first you may be put off by his style (just ask his girlfriend), but there is something endearing about one who is always laughing and this guy is always laughing...at his own jokes.

At his tamest he is giving you a 'wry' smile, but those moments are far fewer than downright shoulder-shrugging hilarity. Though at times I am amazed at his audacity, you can only respect and appreciate one who wavers for no one and has such a good time doing so.


Stanley said...

Man, this guy sounds hott.

eekbeat said...

He sure is a looker!

Mr. Feeble

Mr. Feeble