
A Tribute to Americans

Why do I have a feeling that this whole Anna Nicole Smith 'scandal/death/whose my baby's daddy' dilemma is going to fill our media circuit for many moons to come. By her untimely death, she has established her legacy and will more then likely become a more recognizable name than Condeleeza Rice not 20 years from now. Theories will be introduced, books will be written and prime time will be spilling with the juice on Anna Nicole and, quite frankly, I will be interested. I never watched her reality show, but, like Ben Franklin, she seems to embody all that is American.

She is inventive, a risk-taker, greedy, promiscuous, self-righteous, self-indulgent, ambitious and sexy. Well, Franklin may not have been sexy, but we can acknowledge the fact he demonstrated all those other traits and perhaps used his intelligence to give off his own "sex" appeal.

Either way, I salute you Anna Nicole Smith on a life more interesting than most and one that will no doubt be talked about for some years to come.

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Mr. Feeble

Mr. Feeble