
Spicing Up The Ballpark

I recently attended a Cleveland Indians game and was observing how the sport of baseball, our "national pastime", really is a pretty slow paced and arguably boring game. Some may say this is blasphemy, but if I don't have a beer in my hand then really... why am I there?

I was trying to think of other ways to spice up the playing field so fans could enjoy different levels of excitement when play begins to drag and I came up with a rather simple solution. Starve a couple of dogs and let them fight to the death in right field.

That should bring a couple fans to the ballpark.


MB said...

Wow matt, no one reads your blog except Ray.

Thanks Ray

Stanley said...

You're welcome!

Oh, and here:


LC said...

In order to get me to go to the Nashville Sounds games, my dad had to promise he'd buy me three ice creams that came in those small baseball hat-shaped cups. I had tons of those saved up, but not a memory about the actual games.

LC said...

ps I read your blog, never religiously, but often:) I'm sorry we didn't get to formally day goodbye, but I hate those goodbyes. I'm sure we will see each other in the futura...

MB said...

Wow, 4 thoughts!!

Perhaps if I continue more self-pity I can continue my increased responses.


Mr. Feeble

Mr. Feeble